Newcastle Helix offers a variety of opportunities for you to learn.

Attend events, lectures, job fairs and more in our state of the arts buildings

Inspire the next generation with first hand experiences of the innovation
Inspire the next generation with first hand experiences of the innovation
School and University visits
There are many ways your students can learn from Newcastle Helix. From urban regeneration to space camps, district energy to urban drainage, school and university students have enjoyed a huge range of learning and experiences at Helix. Tours and activities can be customised to your needs. Get in touch and we’ll work with you to plan your visit.
Work Experience & Placements
There are hundreds of exciting businesses and organisations across Newcastle Helix who are always open to taking in people eager to learn and develop. Whether you’ve always wanted to understand what a day in the life of a solicitor is like, or whether you want to find out what happens in the Marketing team for a start-up tech hub, Newcastle Helix can help inspire and inform your future career. If you’re looking for a chance to build your skills or need to find somewhere for an internship or placement, why not get in touch and see if your perfect match is here in the heart of Newcastle Helix?
Special interest groups
Are you part of a group that would like to visit Helix? We’ve welcomed engineers, planners, photographers, artists and YouTubers to site. If you are looking for your next trip for your group, let us know what your interests are and if we can help, we will.
Buildings on the Newcastle Helix site:
The VOICE network is also based at Helix. VOICE is a passionate community of members of the public, patients & carers who contribute their unique individual experiences to improve research & innovation. Becoming a member is absolutely FREE & everyone is welcome. Find out more about VOICE.
TV and Media
The stunning architecture of Helix could be the perfect scene for you. In recent months, we’ve welcomed TV drama filming, photoshoots, product launches and outdoor events. The Helix team can work with you to explore the site, scope possible uses and coordinate logistics. Where possible, we waive location fees, instead asking that you donate to our charity neighbours the People’s Kitchen or Newcastle United Foundation. If you are interest in finding out more, get in touch or visit our Press Resources page.